The Our Minds Matter program is a student-led club model in which teens are trained and empowered to promote school-wide social connectedness, to encourage help-seeking behavior and to develop coping skills via youth-led activities. Upon a club’s launch, OMM staff equip student leaders with training and resources so they can take full ownership of their club. Our Minds Matter works to instill holistic growth in students, so they are stronger not only mentally but also as leaders and changemakers in their community.

Our Minds Matter is an upstream suicide prevention model based on resiliency research and the power of peer-to-peer influence amongst adolescents. OMM took priorities from the Jed Foundation’s Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention to inform the curriculum development to be suitable for a high school audience. Additionally, OMM curriculum addresses the CASEL Core SEL competencies: self-management, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills. If you’re interested in offering Our Minds matter programming in compliment to your current SEL curriculum for grades 8-12 read more here.

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Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance


County Crisis Center